Prairies to potatoes?

This shit has got to stop. Alberta for Sale? Premier Asked to Clarify Government’s ‘Prairies to Potatoes’ Position JonnyI’m a webslinger located in Lethbridge, AB. I love all things nerdy, like cartoons and videogames, and am also a bit of a foodie. When I travel, I always keep my eyes out for hot springs and …

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The bane of democracy?

I'm not very much into politics, but there are a few things that get me fired up: assaults on education and health care, the environment and copyright reform; all things that Conservatives are slowly, but surely destroying. This is without any consultation or regard to Canadians thoughts and opinions, but rather to benefit large corporations and industry.

I'd like to focus on copyright today, something many of us are not familiar with. After reading the Boing Boing article, "Canadian Prime Minister promises to enact a Canadian DMCA in six weeks," It became clear that our Conservative minority government didn't learn any lessons from the mass outcry against bill C-61 two years ago.

The Tories have shown — yet again — their utter contempt for public opinion and Canadian culture and small business…

I find it upsetting that the Conservatives are pushing this bill so quickly to undermine Canadian citizens, yet again. And you wonder why there's a Pirate Party.

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Conservatives help you pay LESS tax?!

So I’m not a very political person, partly because Canada doesn’t have an equivalent to Sarah Paylin. But if there’s one thing I’m against, it’s the Conservative government. In Alberta, everyone here votes for them like sheep, and it disappoints me greatly. Don’t get me wrong – I love Lethbridge, but hate the Conservatives. You …

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